Brenda made me look like a rockstar on my new website! It’s modern, fresh, easy to navigate and looks amazing on all devices. I couldn’t be happier.
McCall Boat Works
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Award Winning Wooden Boat Restoration
Whoohoo! New site for McCall Boat Works! This one was fun, LOTS of photos to showcase their beautiful work, new Awards page, New Restoration page with photo albums for each project from start to finish. ALl phone numbers are tapable, addresses open google maps so your phone can take you there, Facebook integration for advertising, and we expanded the listings for parts to coincide with their ebay listings. Even came up with a new logo.
Brenda is an amazing person to work with and always got us everything we needed on time, if not early. I would highly recommend working with Brenda if you have any web development needs. She is professional and knowledgeable in this field and will get you exactly what you need.
One of the worst things I ever did to myself was decide to design my own website. I said, “Who needs a professional? Everyone!”
She keeps her commitments, and stays on task all while patiently working with someone as myself that does not find technology intuitive.
Brenda not only created an amazing Website for our company but she has monitored and updated it as needed.
In this day and age anyone is willing to build you a website, but can they actually do it great, Brenda can!!